Are you getting fed up of home workouts now, as your not seeing results even with all the hard work your putting in?
Well you may be missing out on these key points that can increase your chances of losing body fat, building muscle and improving your physique!
1) How are you structuring home workouts? You must be resistance training whether thats bands or weights and ensuring you are training the same body part at least twice per week? A minimum of twice per week is a must for any body part. If your still training single body parts per day ie Monday - Chest, Tuesdays - Shoulders then this is where your probably going wrong. Look to combine workouts into Push/Pull/Legs (repeat) or Whole-body multiple times per week.
2) What TEMPO are you lifting at? whether using bands or weights, the speed of the repetition is key! Ensure you are controlling every part of the movement so that muscle is working to its full potential.
3) Are you incorporating unilateral exercises? ie. working one side of the body at one time? These are great for making exercises super difficult. Lets take a Bulgarian Split Squat for example, using one leg to lift the weight as apposed to 2 legs in a normal squat.
4) Are you implementing HIIT or Finishers to your workouts? If your goal is to melt body fat, these can be really effective. Why not add a finisher circuit to the end of your workout like the following - Burpee, Squat Jump, Jump Lunge, Press up (normal or kneeling). Try 60s of each exercise, rest for 60s then repeat 3 times.
5) Incorporate bands... into your movements if limited to weight. Bands are super effective in making exercises harder so you should definitely consider incorporating these.
These are some of the key things to consider when training at home. You must head into workout with the intention of smashing it!! Going backwards is not an option so ensure your not wasting your time by training purposefully.
Hope this helps!!