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Why Do You Never Manage To Achieve Your Goal?

Hey, hope you're well.

I just want to cover something important and it's surrounding people achieving their goals.

Time and time again, people fail at achieving their goal or it takes them a considerable amount of time.

Now although achieving a long term goal wont be an overnight success, you want to achieve this goal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You'd agree right?

I have 3 vital questions for you...

- What is your goal?

- How are you going to achieve your goal?

- How much does your goal mean to you?

Answer these 3 questions and you're part way to achieving it.

First things first, you need to establish your goal, ensure it is achievable but don't be afraid to aim for the stars. A goal is always achievable if you have the mentality that nothing is going to stop you.

You are then going to set out a plan on how you're going to achieve your goal. We do this by setting Micro-goals. Micro-goals force you to prioritise your long-term goal into small, actionable steps. Instead of having the single goal of losing 2 stone in 3 months, a better approach would be aiming for a loss of 2.5lbs per week. Even if you don't think thats achievable, aim for what you believe is achievable. As long as your constantly taking steps forward and your micro goal is getting ticked off week after week, before you know it, you’ll have achieved your desired outcome.

Finally how much does your goal meal to you? What is your why? Why do you want to lose weight? perhaps you want to lose weight so you have a better quality of family life, it will able you to play outside with your children. Why do you want less body fat? it might be because your conscious of taking your t shirt off and summer is coming up. Your goal must mean everything to you! it's what is holding your whole journey together. Lose sight of your goal and it wont take a lot for you to fall off track.

It's time to focus on the present and forget the past. A goal without a plan of action is just a wish.

Hope this helps, have an awesome one ✌️


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